Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Good morning!

Man. seriously this past week just was wayyyy too long.
BUT. college apps are finished and Christmas is getting closer and closer!

Thanksgiving was great. Even though my family didn't have their annual get-together at my uncles house, BUT its okay! =)

I had my early morning thanksgiving feast at home just with my family. Like I've been very selfish and idk that day just helped me realize how thankful i am to have my family. Yeah at times we don't meet eye to eye, but we still love each other. And that's all it matters. I'm just very thankful for my family & close friends & how they have always been there for me. =) i love you guys. Anyways, after my dad went to work, me, my mom & my sisters went down to LA to see my grandma (dad side) & grandparents (moms side). It was great to see them. AND not only did i see my grandparents, i saw my cousins! =) lovelovelove them! Overall, i had a great thanksgiving.

Now, college apps. i hate them. i do not like them. no sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreee.
BUT ITS DONE! and I'm pretty happy =) hehe. now all i have to worry about is freaking getting back the letters. O_O eep!

& mosdef i gotta thank freaking Justin for staying up with me till 4 in the morning helping me do my statement. =)

OTHER than school. I'm pretty chill now. My banquet is coming. & I get to ice skatttte! =D hehe. and Xmas dinner party! and pretty soon. Winter formal. =) and i actually have someone in mind i want to go with. hahaa. BUT we shall see!

All right. since i got all that stuff out of the way. time to vent.

I don't know but everyday I'm actually starting to realize how much I've changed. I'm more cautious of myself. I'm actually more patient and as much as i want to see the good in people, I'm really starting to see the worst. But hey. it happens. I know for a fact that half the people i know will end up forgetting me. Well, its life. Can't always have what you want. But there's always a part of me that still holds on to some people. I'm pretty sure they're going on with their lives and probably dint even think about me but i still think of them. I miss them and i wish nothing but the best for them. But honestly, i hate when people change. Sometimes i wish i can go back and relive those moments. & I'm sorry. I wish i can do something to fix it. But just know, i still care and love you guys.
& since this topic was brought up from a previous convo.
What is love? & How do you know its for real?

In reality, Love isn't something you can come by from time to time. Love is a gift. And some people tend to forget that. And I'll admit myself, i forget it too. You can't think that you're in love, you know it. Well as for me, i don't know what love is. i thought I did, but not really. But its okay, cause I'll find out someday. =) hahaha

As for now, It's time for me to sleep. night.

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