Monday, May 18, 2009


Well its been awhile. so might as well update. yeah?

Man. seriously senior year went by so fast. my four years in high school went by so fast. it feels like im in a subway just watching the windows of my years go right by my eyes. things happened so fast. but im just satisfied with what has happened & i am ready to take on anything else thats in my path.

Man throughout these four years ive seriously learned a lot. But most importantly, ive learned to be patient and accept some of the things i don't want to accept. The four years ive lost friends, lost my grandpa, fought with parents, got into so much trouble, fell in love, fell out of love, been hurt, hurt others, been lied to, lied to others, been sad and been so happy, etc... but ive learned that ive grown.

ive grown to be patient. ive grown to respect others. ive grown to carefully choose my words. ive grown to influnce others to go towards a positive direction. ive grown into a better me. i know its kinda retarded how im just realizing this now, but i guess just seeing how things are ending so quickly is making me realize ive been so blessed to have all these experiences. Ive really seen how naive, selfish, and ignorant i can be. Even though at times i can be naive, selfish, and ignorant... but im human. i make mistakes. all i can do is learn from them. ya know?

Throughout my years, ive meet people that changed my life, ive met people who put me down, ive reunited with the people i havent seen in ages, and ive met new fresh faces. its just amazing how i can be blessed with friends that care or atleast touched me in a way. Ive been inspired by the friends that really showed what true friendship is. its not everyday you've come by a person that just accepts you and cherishs you the way you are. Its just all a blessing. haha. now im kinda getting teared eyed writing this... but im just happy to have these people in my life who have made an impact on me. So thank you.

I am blessed that i have my family. I know we've bumped heads, screamed at each other, & etc... ive noticed how much my family has done for me. We had those times where we don't agree on the same things and causes a storm. ok get ready for the cheesey part. After the storm, the sun always shines. I must admit, my mom and I constantly bumped heads and fought nonstop. It was because i was selfish. I only wanted my needs. I wanted. I, I, I! My mom whose been working so hard (also my dad) to pay off my college tutiton. Just seeing them come home late with body aches, loosing weight from stress, etc... It just showed me how much they truly care and love me. They would go through the trouble to work so hard and deal with my shit, all because they wanted what is best for me. I wish i can do all these things for them to show them my graditude. And all i want to do is pay back my parents for what they have done for me. I love my parents. i love my family. And Thank God. Thank you all mighty God for blessing me with my family.

Oh man. its just like a crying fest for me. i feel kinda retarded just sitting here crying while writing this. And i have school tommorow. But oh wells. Well i think ill continue on with this later. .. so to be continued..........

Don't Look Down- David Ryan Harris.
i choose this song for my junior year music project that just gives me hope when i start to give up. & i like this song. so look it up. its a prettty good song. =)

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