Monday, April 6, 2009

Guess who is back?!

Hahaha. okay so its been awhile since i wrote on the blogger. but i just got a tad lazy just writing. but since today is a good day and i feel like writing, so im back =)

so first of all. this weekend was preeeeeeeeeettty fun. =) so let me start off with friday.

Friday, my gosh it took so long to already get to friday! but once school was over, me wand andy went to help out for sadies for a but. And afterwards just got dropped off my house cuz i had work. So, as soon as i step outside of the house, i see like five police cars all lined up around my neighborhood and like all our neighbors are out in front of thier houses. so im like wtf is going on? so i ask one of my neighbors, and he tells me that a guy just 3 houses down from mine, had a gun and was point the gun to this lady in my block. so i was like woah! and then he tells me the police searched his house and he had his handgun and 3 more rifles. so im like WTF?! this is scarrry! cuz the dude has been living here for like 15 years. so i walk past the police car, and the guy is in the backseat of the police car. and im like dude. dont get crazy now. so after that craziness, i went to work. and saw the JV boys play against Damien. hahaha. atleast they kicked ass. Brian was like doing the fist pump and all. hahaha. and zach was tiredd. but its all good. they did pretttty well. =) so i had work. the usual, practically screaming the kids instructions 4382948302943 times and with my oversize blue shirt. -_- oh wells. its cool. then nikki came over and saw me at work, and she left to work on the PF Change pre penny laying thing. so yeah. so after work, i just went to the gym and helped lay down the pennies with nikki =) and i told her about ZEBRA. hahaa. thats a code name =) gah he so cute. OKAY HAHA. so that was practically friday.

SATURDAY: well this was the day of sadies! well i woke up around 7ish? got ready to go beat the record for the fastest time laying a mile of pennies. so me and nikki got there and omg. so much pennies. O_O my eyes were seriously like O_O. but it was cool! and so we started the event and omg. my knees were killing me and i had like 5 lines of pennies to push on a line. wow. talk about like intenseness. but it was fun. =) atleast i contributed to the record. and what do you know? We beat the record by 5 minutes! =D so the class of 09 are world record holders! =D so that was a good day to start with. and i went back home got my stuff for sadies and got ready at nikki's house. and I was full on pirate princess status. hahaha. so we just waiting for everyone to come and took pictures and we went on our way to guppy house. YUM! seriously the best shaved ice ever. it was kinda awkward for me, cuz i was in a full on pirate costume. -_- and everyone is like, whose that crazy girl? LOL. so afterwards we went to cute. and ANDY yells out, HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT THE PIRATE! -___________- andy if youre reading this. -_- lol! anyways. so we took pictures and what not. im kinda lazy to scan right now. So afterwards we met up with Obum. and we went down to sadies! wow talk about a lot of people in a TINY room! omg like seriously it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO Hot in there. and i fit in cuz there were a couple of people dressed in pirates and neon... LOL so it was chill. and lets just say i had a great time with everyone and omg im never dancing in heels again. well maybe i will, but nottttttttt anytime soon. so i afterwards, i went home and seriously KO'd. wow. i didnt care if i didnt shower, i just knocked out!

Sunday: eh. nothing special. just chill at home. =) and talked to bff on the phone and she was getting all like OMG MY BEST FRIEND LIKES A white boy! pshh. =) we shall see!

so thats for my weekend.
Monday just started, and it was one of the few mondays i had that i really liked. everything seemed so chill. =) bah. idk if its me, but im just happy =) jeez!

welllllllllllll.the song imma put is pretty rave girl. since andy got it stuck in my head! =)

hehehee. okay well for now, peaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

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